Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Gaming Blog

I have been pretty big into gaming since I was in high school. Before "online" gaming, you could only play others if you were connected to them in a network. Internet connections weren't fast enough to handle the amount of data that games required. So we would have Xbox and LAN parties at some of my friends houses in which we would all bring a few Xbox's or our computers and connect them. As far as games that I've played: Age of Empires, Call of Duty (all of them), Halo, God of War, Star Craft, etc. I currently have both an Xbox and a PS3 and use them on the regular. In addition, I've also played a few games with my phone such as Chess and Words With Friends. I like all these games, but I am not an addict. That's why I refuse to even play World of Warcraft and mostly stick to my first person shooters; I get more done that way. I think that online gaming is great because it does allow you to connect with others, no matter how far away they are. One of my really good friends lives in NY and I play with him sometimes. However, as with most recent advances in technology, the thing that has been taken away is the human connection. I never had more fun playing video games than back in the day when we'd have our LAN parties. Everyone was there in person, and we'd just party, talk trash to each other, and just have a great time. 

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