Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why I'm Taking CIS103

Hello! Welcome to my blog. In this first blog, I want to explain why I'm taking CIS103 (Social Networking). I went to ASU and graduated with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus in Business and Psychology. I never could figure out exactly what I wanted to do and had built up a bunch of credits so I did two different things I really liked. In addition, the advisors and everyone at the time said that employers are now looking for people that are more interdisciplinary. Which is half true, they just failed to mention that they also want you to specialize in something. I have a good job at a really nice steakhouse, but after I graduated I wanted to get out of the industry and start a career. Unfortunately all the jobs I got were horrible and I made a lot more money at the steakhouse. After a year I decided that I needed to go back to school. However, this time I was going to follow my passion and do something creative, so I decided to major in Web Design.


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